How We Make
An Impact
New Voices builds power and enacts change through a two-pronged approach: Mobilization and Narrative Strategy. Our Mobilization team (Community Organizing & Engagement and Integrated Voter Engagement) is embedded within our communities, connecting, resourcing, and deepening folks’ understanding and application of Reproductive Justice. Our Narrative Strategy team (Policy & Advocacy and Narrative Power) helps connect the dots between our personal lives, shared societal experiences, and the people, paradigms, and power structures suppressing the well-being of Black women, Black queer folks, and Black marginalized communities.

Community Organizing & Engagement
Defending our kin from systemic violence.
Structural harm toward Black folks and the continued erasure of our voices and realities means we are more likely to experience race, gender, and class-based harm. Our Community Organizing & Engagement efforts support community members striving for collective liberation through providing educational opportunities, cultivating communal spaces, and working to develop the next generation of social changemakers in Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Integrated Voter Engagement
Building electoral power and self-determination.
Voter education empowers Black folks to realize our political power and make informed decisions about our families, communities, and overall lives. Voter suppression continues throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio, and the nation as a whole through restrictive, targeted voter ID laws and gerrymandering. Our Integrated Voter Engagement efforts provide Black voters the tools and resources to fight against widespread suppression, and introduces Black non-voters to a myriad of political opportunities through and beyond voting.
Policy & Advocacy
Advancing life-affirming policymaking and legislation.
U.S. legislation has historically and intentionally excluded and harmed communities of color, which overwhelmingly impacts Black communities and silences the voices of those at the margins of society. Our Policy & Advocacy efforts provide Black women, Black queer folks, and Black marginalized community members opportunities to advance policy that improves our lives.

Narrative Power
Uplifting our stories for societal change.
Narrative Power works to shift mindsets and behaviors, altering how we interpret the world through connected stories, ideas, and experiences. Our Narrative Power efforts help connect the dots and create widespread, easily understood narratives that promote justice-informed beliefs and behaviors.

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New Voices
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