Leadership Cohorts

Our Leadership Development Cohorts introduce Black women, Black queer folks, and Black marginalized community members to the various ways we can build and sustain power. Black women and folks are routinely overlooked as leaders, despite the love and labor we offer day-in and day-out to uphold our families and communities requiring deep leadership qualities. Whether you’re interested in community organizing or knocking on your elected official’s door at The Capitol, we have a leadership development opportunity for you.

Defend Our Kin

May to June 2025
Fighting race, gender, and class-based oppression.

 ‘Defend Our Kin’ seeks to change attitudes and harmful gender norms through an 8-week, in-person training model, centering the needs of Black women, Black queer folks, and Black marginalized communities. We equip cohort participants with the language, tools, and training to confront structural barriers rooted in anti-Black and misogynistic oppression. 
Applications Are Now Open!

We The People

August to September 2025

Building electoral power for sustained change

‘We The People’ is a new leadership development cohort from New Voices that runs annually throughout the Summer and early Fall. Cohort members learn about voting rights, the impact of the electoral system, and how to talk to friends and family in our lives about building Black political power and self-agency. Stay tuned for more information on ‘We The People.’

Imagining New Worlds

September to October 2025
Using your experiences to shift policy and affect change

‘Imagining New Worlds’ helps participants understand the role that policy and legislation plays in our lives, how our stories can shift policy, and the various ways we can advocate for ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities. Stay tuned for more information on ‘Imagining New Worlds.’

Why New Voices?

Our leadership development cohorts are not run by outsiders. We’re impacted by the very issues that our cohorts address, and are passionate about leading work that will liberate us, our families, and our communities as well as your's.

Our leadership development cohort members are paid a stipend throughout our programs, and gain long-lasting relationships not just to New Voices, but other community members and leaders interested in building power and exacting change throughout our neighborhoods, cities, states, and regions.