Integrated Voter Enagagement
What is Integrated Voter Engagement?
Integrated Voter Engagement is a community-centered, relationship-focused strategy to engage historically underrepresented communities in policy, systems change, and the democratic process within and beyond election cycles. New Voices is one of the few Reproductive Justice organizations (across the nation) that focuses on long-term voter engagement, not just voter registration and turnout. Our political activity doesn’t start or end with elections. We canvass every year, talking with folks about the electoral process and how it affects our daily lives.
Upcoming Elections
March 25, 2025 - Special Election
May 20, 2025 - Primary Election
May 6, 2025 - Primary Election
We The People
A voter rights leadership development experience
We The People is a new leadership development cohort from New Voices that runs throughout the Summer and early Fall. Cohort members will learn about voting rights, the ins and outs of the electoral system, and how to effectively talk with family and friends about building Black political power. Stay tuned for more information on We The People.
We The People is a new leadership development cohort from New Voices that runs throughout the Summer and early Fall. Cohort members will learn about voting rights, the ins and outs of the electoral system, and how to effectively talk with family and friends about building Black political power. Stay tuned for more information on We The People.
How we make a difference in local and national elections.
Our seasonal canvassers engage our communities from March through November annually, regardless of what is on the ballot. Through phone banking, door knocking, and text outreach, we’re having open, real, and informative conversations about elections, voting rights, the challenges our communities face and more.
Interested in becoming a canvasser? Check out open positions in your city.
Interested in becoming a canvasser? Check out open positions in your city.